Lifetime Warranty Stair Lifts | Residential & Commercial Vertical Lifts | SALES - (502) 591-9282

Collection: Porch Lifts

"Porch Lifts" is our most popular item. We like to call them "short lifts" because they usually require between 24" and 52" lifting heights. Any lift under 52" is relatively affordable, easy to install, and requires little to know maintenance.

As long as you have a concrete pad or surface that can support up the weight of the lift and its users, a porch lift can be set in place, anchored to the ground, and working in just a couple hours. The lifts we offer plug into a standard household outlet (110V), and require nothing special to work as intended for years.

So how do you move forward? Give us a call and let us know three things:

  • What height you need the lift to reach in inches (floor to floor).
  • Will you enter on one side and exit out the opposite side (straight-thru), or will you enter on one side and exit to the left/right (90-degree entry/exit)?
  • Which side of the lift would you like the tower to be located?
  • (optional, but helpful) Take a picture of where the lift will go, and we'll be glad to take a look and bring your attention to any areas of concern.

That's it! Porch lifts are simple in every aspect. Once we have the information we need, we'll provide the lowest price you can find and have the lift shipped directly to your desired location. You will have a working porch lift in no time.

3 products
  • Lifetime Warranty Aluminum Wheelchair Lift
    All Aluminum Outdoor Wheelchair Lift
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • RAM Flex Residential Wheelchair Lift
    FLEX Residential Wheelchair Lift
    Regular price
    from $5,225.00
    Sale price
    from $5,225.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • RAM Flex Wheelchair Lift (Custom w/ All Available Options)
    FLEX Residential Wheelchair Lift
    Regular price
    from $5,225.00
    Sale price
    from $5,225.00
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out